ZUNO Makes Site Visit To Interact With Nurses and Midwives At Cholera Treatment Center
The ZUNO Team, led by President-Elect Mr. Fray Michelo, conducted a comprehensive visit to the Heroes Stadium, designated as a Cholera Treatment Center in response to the surge in cholera cases in Lusaka.
Over a five-hour interaction with on-site healthcare providers, working in the triage section, female, male, and pediatric wards, helped ZUNO appreciate the efforts as well as challenges being faced by the nurses and midwives in conducting their work at the Cholera Treatment Center.
During interactions with the Nurses and Midwives, Mr. Michelo emphasized on the importance of continuing to provide quality healthcare despite the increasing cholera cases.
Mr. Michelo stated that the visit was aimed at giving encouragement and expressing solidarity with Nurses and Midwives at the cholera center.

The President-elect also engaged in a brief conversation with the Minister of Health, Ms. Sylvia Masebo, who was present on the premises to check on the management and coordination at the treatment center.
The Government through Ministry of Health designated Heroes Stadium as a Cholera Treatment Center on 4 January 2024, after cases surged further increasing demand nursing and midwifery services.
Having a large surge of patients as a result of an outbreak puts a stress on the entire health care system especially nurses and midwives whose role changes to adapt to the needs of the patient, their families, and the health center in general.