ZUNO Makes Site Visit To Interact With Nurses and Midwives At Cholera Treatment Center

The ZUNO Team, led by President-Elect Mr. Fray Michelo, conducted…

ZUNMO Launches Induction Programs for Provincial and District Leaders

The Zambia Union of Nurses and Midwives Organisation (ZUNMO)…

ZUNMO Advocates for Investment in Nursing and Midwifery

ZUNMO-GS-Martin-Muloongo-left-with-Former-President-of-ZNA-Dorothy-Chikampa-on-Radio-Phoenix In…

ZUNO Joins Battle against Cholera OutBreak

The Zambia Union of Nurses Organization (ZUNO) has stepped forward…

ZUNO Elects New National Executive Committee

The Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation (ZUNO) concluded its…