ZUNO calls for strengthened united front in raising public awareness on the impact of TB
/0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News /by ZUNO AdminThe Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation (ZUNO) General Secretary Fray Michelo has called for a strengthened united front in raising public awareness on the impact of Tuberculosis (TB)
In a statement to commemorate the 2019 World TB Day Mr Michelo, noted that TB continues to be a major public health problem in Zambia and the world over.

Mr Michelo stated that without proper attention, patients with TB can go undiagnosed and untreated resulting in spread of the disease and the development of Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB). He stated that as an organisation that seeks the highest level of professionalism and integrity in the delivery of health care services to the community ZUNO has noted with concern the existing knowledge gaps on TB/MDR-TB among healthcare workers, poor management of patients on TB treatment and poor infection control which are enemies in the fight against TB.

Mr Michelo said it is an undeniable fact that TB has a devastating impact on the health, social and economic aspects of life adding that nurses are better placed to influence prevention and management of TB in communities and workplaces.
“Our practice as nurses entails that we are in close contact with our patients 24 hours a day, making us better placed to detect, diagnose, and treat TB cases” he noted. The 2019 World TB Day is being commemorated under the global theme: “It’s Time” and localised “It is Time to Kick Out TB” which is a call to action to fight TB at individual, national and global levels.
ZUNO Launches CPD Modules for Nurses and Midwives
/0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News /by ZUNO Admin
On 21st February 2019, ZUNO launched the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) modules for nurses and midwives to ensure expanded opportunities to pursue and achieve professional and career growth.
Speaking during the launch of the CPD modules, at Radisson Blu Hotel in Lusaka, ZUNO President Mrs. Tisa Chiponda has noted that the scope of CPD modules has been determined by national health priorities as well as identified individuals` learning needs.

Sixteen modules have been developed in the areas of; Maternal Health, Nursing Skills, Child Health, Wellness for Nurses and Midwives and Surgical Safety.
Mrs. Chiponda further stressed that development and implementation of ZUNO CPD activities is part of the organisations’ a five year strategic Plan from 2018-2022.
And Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Technical Services, Dr. Kennedy Malama urged nurses and midwives to be dynamic and ensure that they embrace change.
He stated that CPD enhances knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes, which are currently topical in the healthcare system.
ECSACON Successfully Holds 6th Quadrennial General Meeting and 13th Scientific Conference as Zambia scoops the Vice Presidency …
/0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News /by ZUNO AdminNursing And Midwifery Professionals Gathered in Nairobi, Kenya from 5th-7th September 2018 under the auspices of the East Central and Southern Africa College of Nursing (ECSACON). The theme of the conference was “Nurses and Midwives responding to global agenda on sustainable development goals and universal health coverage”.
The theme sent the message to remind everyone that nurses and midwives form the bedrock of any health system, constituting over half of the health workforce.

Without strong health systems it would be difficult if not impossible to attain Universal Health Coverage. The conference discussed some of the best practices from the Nurses and Midwives’ fraternity which includes Quality and affordable Maternal, New-born and Child Health Services; Access to Health Care including GBV services and SRHR among the Youth; Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Development to achieve HRH2030 Agenda; Innovations in preparing competent, skilled and motivated Nurses & Midwives; Nursing and Midwifery workforce preparedness to respond to Global Calls, Challenges and/or Disasters; Prioritizing Communicable and NCDs including Mental Health and Nutrition.
World Health Organisation (WHO) Director of Health Systems and Innovation, Dr. Ruediger Krech, gave the key note speech on behalf of the WHO Director General.
For the first time, fourteen abstracts from Zambia were accepted for presentation during the conference
Office bearers for the year 2019 to 2022 term of office were also elected who included Ms Keoagtse Kgwabi from Botswana as ECSACON President and Mrs Theresa Sikateyo from Zambia as ECSACON Vice president.

Other highlights for Zambia were Mrs Priscar Mukonka taking up the position of Country National Representative and Ms Biemba Maliti as treasurer for the faculty of clinical practice at regional level.
Twenty three (23) nurses and midwives from Zambia attended the meeting including a student Ms Mukuka Makombe from Chikankata Mission Hospital sponsored by ZUNO to represent the Zambia at the African Regional Young Nurses Meeting alongside the ECSACON Quadrennial conference.
ZUNO Calls for measures to safeguard the health and wellbeing of nurses working during Cholera Outbreak
/0 Comments/in News /by zunoZambia Union of Nurses Organisation (ZUNO) has called on the Government to safeguard the health and well-being of nurses taking care of patients in Cholera Centres.
The latest updates by the Ministry of Health indicate increasing new Cholera cases especially in Lusaka, the situation which is no doubt deteriorating and life threatening.
ZUNO General Secretary Mr Fray Michelo in a press statement said that while ZUNO recognises the efforts Government has instituted in trying to mitigate the cholera outbreak, it is important to ensure that all necessary measures are put in place to safeguard the health and well-being of nurses.
Mr Michelo noted that ZUNO believes that every nurse has the right to work in a healthy and safe environment without risk of illness resulting from that work.
He said ZUNO is fully aware and appreciate Government efforts to prevent further spread of the disease such as; closure of schools across the country, market places and other identified sources of infection, provision of safe drinking water to people in the affected areas.
” It is however also true that nurses who are essential workers are present 24 hours at all cholera centres, which are a highly risky environment, taking care of patients.” Mr Michelo said adding that nurses have for some time now made a legitimate call on the Government provide them with the privileges of an essential worker.
ZUNO maintained that Safe work environments and decent pay for nurses are essential to deliver quality care and contribute to a strengthened workforce, and has therefore urged the Government to take keen interest in the call for support and appreciation to the nurses who are dedicated to give care to the affected citizens of this country especially in various cholera centres.
ZUNO has further appealed to the Government through the Ministry of Health to ensure all treatment centres have enough medical supplies, appropriate protective clothing and human resource to manage the situation at all times.
The ZUNO General Secretary urged the nurses’ working in cholera centres to remain calm and dedicated to duty while observing all the precautionary measures to prevent the spread of infection and furthered appealed to Zambian citizens to observe high levels of hygiene during this cholera epidemic.
The Cholera epidemic broke out around October 2017 in Lusaka before spreading to other parts of the country claiming the lives of more than 50 people and infected over 2000 people.
ZUNO Hails UNAIDS For 2017 Global World Aids Day theme
/0 Comments/in News /by zunoThe Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation (ZUNO) has hailed the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) for the 2017 global World Aids Day Theme “Right to Health” saying it underlines the most important component to improving healthcare delivery.
ZUNO General Secretary Mr Fray Michelo maintains that as the world pushes for human rights agenda on health, health care providers especially nurses and midwives should not be left behind, adding that no country can manage to attain the developmental goals if the right to health is neglected.
Mr Michelo stated that while more people are having access to treatment, it should be noted that there are still many more that need to be covered.
“ZUNO therefore commends the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS-UNAIDS for coming up with such a theme.” he stated.
He noted that the World Aids Day theme is in line with the 2017 Nurses Day theme which also stresses on health as a human right.
UNAIDSExecutive DirectorMichel Sidibé in a statement ahead of the 2017 World Aids
Day commemorations on 1st December, highlighted that the right to health means many different things: that no one person has a greater right to health care than anyone else; that there is adequate health-care infrastructure; that health-care services are respectful and non-discriminatory; and that health care must be medically appropriate and of good quality.
But the right to health is more than that—by attaining the right to health, people’s dreams and promises can be fulfilled.
Lukupa Midwife Nursing School opens in Northern Province
/0 Comments/in News /by zunoGovernment says the opening of Lukupa Midwife Nursing School in Northern Province will significantly contribute to the reduction of maternal related deaths in the country.
Northern Province Permanent Secretary Jobbicks Kalumba says the Lukupa Midwifery School and many other interventions will serve as
catalysts for improved health care delivery system in the region and beyond.
Dr. Kalumba said this when he officially opened a three months long training for nurses and midwives in maternal neonatal child adolescents health and Nutrition in Kasama today.
The PS noted that the continuing capacity development of nurses in midwifery will ensure optimum reduction of deaths among pregnant mothers and children.
Dr. Kalumba said it is government’s desire to see that no woman or child is lost from maternal health related complications at all levels of health care delivery in the country.
He said government through the Zambia Health Services Improvement Project (ZHSIP) is implementing a 5 year project to improve the maternal health services across the country.
Dr. Kalumba said the project is being piloted in five provinces namely, North-Western, Western, Muchinga, Luapula and Northern.
He said in 2014 government obtained a 52.2 US dollar loan from the World Bank aimed at enhancing the health care delivery system especially in maternal and child health in the country.
The PS has also commended the ministry of health staff in the region for their unwavering commitment towards the provision of health services to various communities in the province.
And Provincial Health Director Kennedy Chibwe thanked government and other cooperating partners for their continued support to the health sector.
The training workshop has drawn hundred and fifty nine (159) participants from three provinces namely Northern, Muchinga .
– Lusaka Times