Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

ZUNO President Encourages Nurses and Midwives ahead of IND & IDM Commemorations in Month of May-As COVID 19 fight Continues

Dear colleagues, The month of May has for many years been and continues to be a special month for Nurses and Midwives worldwide. As you may be aware the World Health Assembly saw it fit to have the year 2020 set apart as the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. This declaration presents […]

ZUNO Urges Government to Ensure Nurses and Midwives Wellbeing is Supported and Protected as the Country Records First Cases of COVID 19

The Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation (ZUNO) General Secretary Mr. Fray Michelo has urged Government through the Ministry of Health to ensure that all nurses and midwives are adequately prepared to handle patients with COVID 19, as members of the health team. Mr. Michelo said that as the country prepares to support people who may […]

ZUNO President Encourages Nurses and Midwives ahead of IND & IDM Commemorations in Month of May-As COVID 19 fight Continues

Dear colleagues, The month of May has for many years been and continues to be a special month for Nurses and Midwives worldwide. As you may be aware the World Health Assembly saw it fit to have the year 2020 set apart as the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. This declaration presents […]

ZUNO Urges Government to Ensure Nurses and Midwives Wellbeing is Supported and Protected as the Country Records First Cases of COVID 19

The Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation (ZUNO) General Secretary Mr. Fray Michelo has urged Government through the Ministry of Health to ensure that all nurses and midwives are adequately prepared to handle patients with COVID 19, as members of the health team. Mr. Michelo said that as the country prepares to support people who may […]